Strada Ovidiu Cotruș, nr. 2, et. 2


Business info


Headquarters address: Strada Ovidiu Cotruș, nr. 2, et. 2, Timișoara, Timiș, România

Work point address: Strada Ovidiu Cotruș, nr. 2, et. 2, Timișoara, Timiș, România

CUI: RO14332468​

Nr. Trade register no.: J35/1401/2001

About the farm

Țarina lu' Petre is a green paradise where, in the arms of nature, you feel at home.
We have been promoting a healthy lifestyle and organizing cultural events since 22 years ago. You can visit us every weekend for fun and relaxation. We love to play improv, paint and sing. We organize activities for children and workshops about health and nature. We meet every year at theater events, for winter swimming sessions and on hemp day!

Țarina lu' Petre has 5 hectares of land, 2 hectares are used for growing hemp and the other 3 for leisure activities. One hectare is covered by trees, one is by the water and the other in the shade. Bees are our friends and you will see them swarming around the plants. At Țarina lu' Petre, plants are grown without chemicals, through the practice of permaculture.
At Țarina lu' Petre we love nature and everything natural!

About the lab

High quality standards
At Ambra.lab we work in compliance with the highest quality standards. We apply strict control protocols on our work which have earned us the ISO9001 and HACCP certifications.
Internal quality control with the entire analytical sector allows us to have the microscope constantly focused on our extracts and preparations.

Arrival, storage and sieving
The raw material enters the laboratory through a dedicated material passage. Once inside, it is stored in refrigerated environments with controlled humidity, pressure and air. From here we go to sieving, dry or in water, based on the quality of the raw material and then move on to freeze-drying.

From here we come to the pressing, which allows us to separate the extract from its waxy part: the trichome capsules. We do this through selective pressure filtration, with controlled heat. This particular process is also referred to as rosintech and represents a cutting edge in cannabis processing. In fact, thanks to our process we can keep the phytocomplex of the plant almost completely unchanged, made up of an infinite number of molecules: terpenes, flavonoids, cannabinoids. The result is a prodigious oil, with a strong aromatic bouquet, thanks to the top quality hemp used.

Decarboxylation and titration
Decarboxylation is a very important part of our work as it has to take into account many needs and balance them. Activating the phytocannabinoids requires heat input for a more or less prolonged period of time. However, heat is the enemy of the conservation of many light and volatile compounds such as terpenes, especially monoterpenes.

Toscana Life Sciences
Equipment from the Medicinal Research Center helps us further sophisticate our process. We can rely, for example, on pharmaceutical grade stoves, or ULT (Ultra Low Temperature) coolers capable of reaching -80°C. Such tools allow us to obtain the best from the tanning or decarboxylation phases, always working in pharma grade conditions.

Lab website:
Lab address: Str. del Petriccio e Belriguardo, 35, 53100 Siena SI, Italy